Ruthless Exercise of Power
posted 18 October 2024 in Religion and Politics
“…we really need to be really ruthless when it comes to the exercise of power…” — J.D. Vance, 18 May 2021 on the Federalist Radio Hour, about 25 minutes in. This was over three years ago, [continue…]
Supreme Court
posted 02 July 2024 in Religion and Politics
In the majority opinion regarding presidential immunity, (, the Supreme Court quotes on page 41 and 42, part of the Farewell Address of George Washington, [continue…]
I’m Not Just Voting For Biden
posted 12 October 2020 in Religion and Politics
I saw an inane “copy and paste” post floating around a couple of months ago on why some conservative was voting for Trump. I decided to rework each point to reflect the reasoning from a rational American viewpoint [continue…]
The first presidential debate between Trump and Clinton
posted 27 September 2016 in Religion and Politics
I’ve tried to avoid commenting too much on this election, and sorry if this essay is a little rambling, but I just watched the first “debate” between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton and it pretty much confirmed everything I’ve thought about Trump since he declared his candidacy. I’m no Hillary fan-boy, but OMG. [continue…]
Little Things
posted 03 October 2010 in Thoughts
We had an office potluck on Friday. Just a sort of autumn kind of social thing that happens in offices that haven’t become dry and impersonal. Not that I’ve ever had to deal with that. No. Of course not. [continue…]
Back To Work
posted 02 August 2010 in Thoughts
After 16 months as a lay-about, I’m finally employed once again, and completed my first day at the new job today. Before this, I had never been without a job for as much as one day in some 32 years. Unfortunately, I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and finally got caught in a company-wide layoff. [continue…]
posted 19 June 2010 in Poetry
Microscopic bubbles,
A fog upon the glass. [continue…]
Verse à la Burma-Shave
posted 16 April 2010 in Poetry
Several verses in the style of the old Burma-Shave roadside advertising signs. [continue…]
Simple Pleasure
posted 10 April 2010 in Poetry
Several haiku-adjacent verses about the simple things in my life.
An Open Letter To My Teen Children
posted 28 March 2010 in Thoughts
What is it about children that makes a father adore them? [continue…]