Posts in category "Thoughts"

Little Things

posted 03 October 2010 in Thoughts

We had an office potluck on Friday. Just a sort of autumn kind of social thing that happens in offices that haven’t become dry and impersonal. Not that I’ve ever had to deal with that. No. Of course not. [continue…]

Back To Work

posted 02 August 2010 in Thoughts

After 16 months as a lay-about, I’m finally employed once again, and completed my first day at the new job today. Before this, I had never been without a job for as much as one day in some 32 years. Unfortunately, I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and finally got caught in a company-wide layoff. [continue…]

An Open Letter To My Teen Children

posted 28 March 2010 in Thoughts

What is it about children that makes a father adore them? [continue…]

Threshing Bee

posted 23 November 2009 in Thoughts

I’ve been digitizing home movies from 8mm video tape, and ran across one from our 1996 vacation to see my parents in the Black Hills. On this tape was footage of a side trip we took to a threshing bee in Sturgis, South Dakota. [continue…]

On Aging

posted 27 October 2009 in Thoughts

I was having a conversation with a friend recently, in which she made the comment, “Getting old is not all it was cracked up to be.” I totally understand the comment seeing as how I’ve passed the half-century mark myself. But then I started to wonder what aging really means. [continue…]

Conversion to the Dark Side

posted 12 October 2009 in Thoughts

Well, my conversion to the Dark Side™ is nearly complete. I have signed up on Twitter. [continue…]

Pitiful Dog

posted 06 October 2009 in Thoughts

Sadie developed a rash on two of her paws that we didn’t notice until a couple of weeks ago when she started licking at it. Because she was in discomfort, we went in to see the vet, who diagnosed it as an allergy. To what, we don’t know, since we can’t think of anything that has changed in our home recently. [continue…]

Eatliz – Violently Delicate

posted 27 September 2009 in Thoughts

I just ran across a band by the name of Eatliz while cruising around on web space. Found them on Aniboom of all places. (How did we ever find anything before the Internet?) [continue…]

Social Networking Fool

posted 23 September 2009 in Thoughts

I guess I’m just turning into a social networking fool. And interpret that almost any way you like — it probably still applies. This is quite a long way from my older phones-are-evil, don’t-talk-even-if-you-have-something-to-say mentality. [continue…]

Root Beer and Gandalf

posted 21 September 2009 in Thoughts

My cat Couscous passed away a few years ago, and as a family we had been looking to find a new feline companion. Something to bother our dog, Sadie. A cat that was a little nicer to other people. (Couscous was definitely my cat, and would have little to do with anyone else.) [continue…]